About Me


My motivations for becoming a yoga teacher were primarily driven by my desire to learn more about the vast teachings of yoga while deepening my own practice. During the training I learnt just how passionate I was about teaching: I experienced such a huge sense of satisfaction and enjoyment through sharing with others my love for yoga and all the benefits yoga brings with it. Since making the leap to become a part-time lawyer I have now freed up more time to pursue my real passion of teaching yoga.  


Yoga for me is much more than just the postures: it is about tapping into something deeper, clearing the mind, and taking what one learns and experiences on the mat into every day life. Yoga was invaluable to me while I was working full time: a tool to keep me calm, healthy and energized after long, stressful days in the office. My experiences in the city undoubtedly influence my approach to teaching: time is precious for most London students so classes have to be well structured to ensure the student gets a full body workout but also, and more importantly, give them a chance to practice mindfulness and, at the end of class, completely switch off and recharge depleted batteries in Savasana. 


Each student is unique so I am mindful to offer variations and adapt poses accordingly: paying attention to the needs of individual students and reminding them that I am merely a guide to help them on their own journey.


I am truly grateful to all the teachers both past and present for all their energy and knowledge they have imparted on me, particularly the lovely Rachel Perry who guided me through my Teacher Training with such strength and kindness.

Before becoming a lawyer, I worked at the conservation charity, World Land Trust (www.worldlandtrust.org): a cause I continue to support in my role as an ambassador. I am passionate about nature, which is the main reason I was drawn to yoga: yoga brings us back to an innate peace of mind that is usually invoked by a natural setting, for example, when going for a walk through the forest or a swim in the ocean.