
Top yoga tips for pregnant women

Every pregnancy is totally unique. That being said the most useful tip I can give to any pregnant lady is: listen to your body and only do what feels right for you on that given day.


Speaking from my own experience, there are some days when I feel fit and energized, ready to take on the world. And then there are other days when I feel exhausted, maybe a little blue (thank you hormones!), and sometimes in pain with my hip and lower back issues. Therefore, I find that my yoga routine from day to day really does depend on how I feel. For example, if I’m feeling exhausted and achy I will opt for a meditation, relaxation or yin/restorative yoga session – or a lie down! If I’m feeling energized and pain free I might opt for a more dynamic vinyasa yoga session, with some strength building pilates exercises thrown in. I just do what feels good at that moment, without judgment!


Your body is doing an amazing job of growing a little life inside you so be patient and accepting of how you feel. This can be hard for some (ahem… me included!) who are used to being in control and sticking to routine, but it is all part of the process of learning to surrender and go with the flow which is not only a useful skill to embrace during labour but also when you have a little baby to care for who has a mind of its own.


Without being too prescriptive (as adapting your yoga practice when pregnant will depend on your prior yoga experience, injuries, which trimester you’re in, as well as how you are feeling at that moment), here are some general tips:


-       Slow down, especially when transitioning from pose to pose. As you get bigger it becomes more challenging to move into different poses and the last thing you want to do is cause injury to yourself or bubba. Just take your time. There’s no rush. Being mindful when moving to and from each pose is just as important as the pose itself.


-       Use props and don’t squash the baby! I always love using props during yoga and even more so when pregnant as they can be used to accommodate your changing shape. It also allows for more support for your growing body and more space for baby.


-       Breathe in a way that works for you. A lot of yoga classes will encourage you to breathe in and out through the nose. However, as breathing becomes a little harder when pregnant, I encourage all my students to breathe in a way that feels comfortable for them. For many ladies breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is more natural, for example. It doesn’t matter so much how you are breathing, as long as you are breathing throughout your practice! If you can simply focus on a fluid and slow breath, this will really help calm the nervous system and can be a very useful tool during labour, pregnancy and life at large.  


-       Focus on strength and stability, rather than flexibility. The pregnant body releases the hormone relaxin, which allows for the ligaments to loosen to enable your body to change shape to make room for baby. This can result in increased flexibility. Be aware of this and always stay away from your ‘edge’ when stretching and spend time working on strengthening muscles to help promote stable joints.


-       Make the most of time on the mat to bond with your baby. Many of us continue to work while we’re pregnant and sometimes we can forget we’re pregnant as we try to carry on with life as usual. Yoga can be a wonderful time to really stop and connect with the life that’s growing inside us and perhaps confront any fears we might have about the impending birth or motherhood.


-       Bounce on a pilates ball. Last piece of advice… invest in a pilates ball! Ok so not strictly “yoga related” but this has been a saving grace for me, especially with the hip problems I have been suffering with. I spend many an evening sitting on my ball, doing pelvic tilts and hip circles. Even if you’re not suffering with pelvic/back pain, it can really help open the hips and relieve any tension in lower back and pelvis. It’s also quite fun!



FREE YOGA this JUNE in Wimbledon Village, Eileen Fisher

Yoga in the Secret Garden @ Eileen Fisher - join us this Summer!

Yoga in the Secret Garden @ Eileen Fisher - join us this Summer!

Exciting news this summer. I will be teaching FREE yoga classes at Eileen Fisher, Wimbledon Village. Weather permitting, we will head outside to the secret garden (pictured above) but if the British weather doesn't cooperate (ahem!) then the class will still go ahead but inside the store. 

We are hoping to run these classes throughout the summer but keep an eye on my website for dates and times.

Next confirmed classes are: 

Friday 3rd June @ 6.30pm (Vinyasa Flow - All Levels) *FULLY BOOKED*

Sunday 5th June @ 9.30am (Yin/Restorative - All Levels) *Only one spot left*

Friday 10th June @ 6.30pm (Flow & Restore - All Levels) 

Friday 17th June @ 6.30pm (Flow & Restore - All Levels)

To register for FREE click here.

Mats provided, curtesy of Eileen Fisher, so just bring yourself.  


Jo x